HALO 5: GUardians
Warzone Maps
I was the level designer on multiple maps for our large scale (12v12) PvPvE experience, Warzone. This experience involved crafting levels for the highest player count in the series, including dynamic AI encounters and boss moments. I was responsible for creating the initial level block outs, working with the artists to help guide in the creation of the look development for the maps, and helped setup and plan out dynamic enemy encounters throughout the map with system and mode designers.

Our smaller scale competitive 4v4 PvP experience
The Rig
I was the level designer for the map The Rig, which included creating the level layout, game play design, and working with the artists to see the map through completion.
I also was able to sculpt and model the Sandworm easter egg featured in the map.
This map was featured in the Halo Championship Series (Pro Gaming League)

I was the level designer for the map Plaza, which included creating the level layout, game play design, and working with the artists to see the map through completion.
This map was featured in the Halo Championship Series (Pro Gaming League)

I was the level designer for the map Empire, which included creating the level layout, game play design, and working with the artists to see the map through completion. Empire was one of the maps featured for the Multiplayer Beta.
This map was featured in the Halo Championship Series (Pro Gaming League)

Pegasus - Forge Map
Created this map for the multiplayer beta using the Halo Forge tools.